Thursday, February 15, 2018

Starting to Exercise Again

Now that my kid's older, I've actually started exercising again. Because for the first few years, kids really don't want you to have a life outside their existence, and they have to be involved in every little thing you do. But we're finally pass that point. Yay.

So on January 15th my workplace started a weight loss competition, and the person who loses the most weight by July 15th wins. I ended up getting a respiratory illness in January, so couldn't start exercising right away. But luckily the long extended illness curbed my appetite, and it was very easy to start eating healthier as well as less. Yay?

I already do a form of strenuous activity which is mainly comprised of me sprinting from the employee parking lot to the time clock. But in reality, I'm fairly sedentary, overweight, and out of shape.

So my first form of actual planned physical exertion was 10 minutes of kickboxing last Monday, February 12th. It's from a program called 10 Minute Solutions: Kickbox Bootcamp. Shocking, I know. There's 5 different routines with most working on different body parts, each in 10 minute increments, and when you combine them all together you get a full body workout. It's pretty intense for a 10 minute routine, I ended up using this workout for Monday and Tuesday. The only bad thing is the lack of stretching.

Yesterday and today, I did 55 minutes of aerobics, the advance section of Jane Fonda's "New Workout". I thought I was going to die. It's fun hyper dance aerobics involving lots of hopping and kicking during the cardio section. There's also lots of stretching, an abdominal section, floor work, and buttock tucks. I don't do the section of floor work that involves kneeling because I have hardwood floors and it's hard on my knees and lower back. The only thing that gets me through the abs and floor work is knowing that I get to do buttock tucks at the end.

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