Monday, February 26, 2018

Candida Overgrowth

I have a friend who I think might be colonized by Candida, which will be verified by culture. I actually know a couple people who've had a yeast overgrowth problem. Both of them had horrible allergies to the point they got those allergy shiners, and they had the whole swollen belly, sick all the time, brain fog feeling. One of them, his eyes were so swollen and weird looking, I told him he looked like death.

Candida albicans is the most common yeast to cause disease in humans. It's able to survive through our digestive track and ends up colonizing our intestines. Yeast in general can be normal flora of the digestive track, it's in the environment and yeasty breads. But then something causes the yeast to take over, usually it's when a person is on antibiotics which kills off the normal bacterial flora, leaving Candida to become an opportunistic pathogen.

One person I know was able to get rid of his yeast overgrowth by doing a parasite cleanse, this was a couple months ago and now his allergies are totally gone and his belly is no longer swollen. The other one, he's in the midst of a Candida cleanse and he's completely quit sugar and carbs, hopefully that'll work for him otherwise he'll probably have to go on diflucan (antifungal).

Sometimes a person may think they have an ongoing stomach bug that just won't go away, but oftentimes it can be caused by Candida overgrowth. A culture could verify this, but the doctor would have to specify the lab to look for yeast because they might disregard it as normal flora.

I've started a parasite cleanse when I began my new workout regimen. I thought it was a good idea since we live in the south, and they have problems with the water around here from time to time, and I know a few people with issues like Candida.

Usually my tummy is the last place to trim up when I start working out again, but I noticed that it's diminished a lot in just a couple of weeks. Not that I've lost any weight or anything, maybe actually gained a couple of pounds. But it's hard to say what can be causing the sudden stomach shrinkage, maybe its the types of workouts, change in diet, or change in seasons. Who really knows?

Intestinal Guard by Healths Harmony is the cleanse I'm doing. Can't really tell if it's working or not for what it's intended, but I can say without a doubt it gives me the raunchiest garlic breath known to humanity. Shoulda known since garlic is the first ingredient listed. Aw well, I've been carrying around tick tacks and gum to counteract those affects.

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