Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Exercising When You Don't Want To

This is going to happen. You've been really good and working out regularly, maybe 5 maybe 3 days a week, but now you just don't feel like doing it today. If you've been exercising for a couple of weeks or more, you know how much easier it is right now compared to when you first started out. Don't sabotage the work you've put into building up your stamina. Just do some kind of workout.

Maybe you don't want to do a crazy intense 50 minute workout. That's fine, just do 10-20 minutes of kickboxing or maybe do a light jog a couple times around the neighborhood. But in the beginning it is very important to keep going with your routine, change it up if you get bored and do a different physical activity, but don't stop.

You are doing this for you. Give yourself this time to focus on yourself. You want this for you now, and the future you to come.

Let's be honest, there are going to be legitimate times when you are unable to exercise, like when a cold lays you low for a couple of weeks or you've twisted your ankle running and have to be gentle with it for a few days. Give yourself that time to heal and get better, you don't want to make yourself worse and end up being sick longer. You might still be able to do things like crunches and maybe some floor work, but don't overtax your system and push too hard.

Eventually you'll be in great shape. It usually takes just a month or two for things to shift the other direction. No longer will you feel like every workout is a painful struggle, those weird twinges in your body will start to go away. Instead, you'll feel more energetic after a workout. And shockingly enough, exercising  will end up being a stress reliever, you'll actually feel more relaxed afterwards.

The beginning is always the hardest, just get through it and it will be loads easier. And being that we are all physical beings, you might end up liking it as well. But just get pass that wall.

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