Thursday, March 1, 2018

When You Feel Like You're Starving All The Time

This is me usually. I don't get that full/sick feeling that most people get, I can keep eating until it's putting pressure on my diaphragm and I have problems breathing. So normally I gauge myself in relation to another person, I stop eating when they do, but that becomes a problem when the person I mainly share meals with is almost 10 inches taller than me. My stomach gets stretched out because I'm eating so much, and then I'm just hungry all the time.

The only way I combat this constant hunger is by shrinking my stomach. I eat much smaller meals and try to eat dinner around 5 or 6 pm. Eating a small dinner really early makes a huge difference towards shrinking my stomach, so I don't get that whole, my hunger is a living being devouring me from the inside out feeling during the day.

And if I start to get really hungry between meals, I try to eat an apple and cheese stick. A little protein and a little fiber is always a winning combination. Another good snack is celery with natural peanut butter. My husband's favorite snack lately has been yogurt with homemade granola (which is what I normally eat for breakfast), he says the granola makes it a desert.

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