Sunday, February 25, 2018

Exercising with Your Children

It's hard, but there are things you can do to make it easier. Running with children in a stroller is a good choice, they have awesome running strollers now, those three wheelers that are easily steered with one hand. And if you have rough surfaces you like to run on, there are strollers with big wheels that help with that. I have loose/weak ankles that I'm always trying to build up by running on uneven surfaces.

We've been having a really wet almost spring, so I've been doing little 10 minute kickboxing stints with my kid indoors. The kiddo also loves doing yoga and step aerobics, we just share the step and from their perspective, that step must be the greatest invention ever created. The secret, I think, is to do short little workouts with them, so neither of you will have time to get frustrated.

Crunches are easy, I just have them sit on my feet while I do leg lifts with the crunches. Loads of fun, just don't go too high and tip them over.

So there are definitely little workouts you can do with your toddler. But I have to admit, my main workouts are done before we pickup the little one from preschool. It's important to have long workouts to build up your endurance, plus you'll see results faster that way.

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