Saturday, February 24, 2018

Does Working Out Cause Pimple Break Outs?

Yes. Especially when you are just starting to workout. Hormones control your metabolism, the building up and breaking down of tissues, hydration, etc. Your body is going through a lot of changes as it tries to cope with this new activity that you are now participating in. Think of how your body is reshaping and remaking itself when you exercise, hopefully it's breaking down fatty tissues while building up muscle. These changes are controlled by hormones that your body has to produce, and with these shifts in hormones there may be some side affects.

So, I'm in the middle of bad a break out. (Gotta love it.) The kind I used to only get during my monthly menstrual cycle when I was younger. The breakout is actually close to the level I associate with puberty. Sure I have a couple monster pimples on my face but most of it is on the back of my shoulders, something that hasn't happened to me since I was a teenager. But to be fair, this is the heaviest I've ever been and I'm pretty out of shape on top of it.

I do shower immediately after exercising, but that doesn't seem to be helping. Hopefully everything will settle down once my body gets used to a regular exercise routine.

Toxins released due to the breakdown of fatty tissue is a whole separate thing. That unexplained persistent rash, depressed immune system, etc. we're all carrying background amounts of toxic organics in our bodies. (Organics in this instance is just the chemistry term for carbon containing compounds.)

People associate exercise and dietary changes with the breakdown of fatty tissues or adipose tissue and the release of toxins that your body has been sequestering away. Usually it's difficult for your body to excrete these organic toxins that in most of us stem from industrial manufacturing and farming. To assist your body in the removal of toxins it is important to first try not to ingest it, the whole clean food clean living mantra but sometimes these chemicals are just in our environment and it's difficult to control, so second it's important to consume lots of fiber. Once your body starts breaking down fatty tissues or adipose tissue during exercise, it's important to eat enough fiber to aid your body in the removal of these chemicals from your body.

Even if you weren't breaking down fatty tissues these persistent organic pollutants, for example dioxins,  would still be released into your body from your fat stores. Dioxins are toxic and they're found in breast milk and human adipose tissue all over the world, they're everywhere. The highest concentrations are found in soil and in food, specifically meat and milk products. They're so toxic in humans, agencies all over the world monitor levels in our food supply, each industrial country has their own monitoring system and the WHO and UNEP compiles data worldwide, which is why you get those massive recalls on meat, etc., in America we have the Toxic Substance Control Act under which the EPA does studies.


Day said...

Workout breakouts are such a funny thing, because on average working out makes most of my skin better -- kinda of like what you were talking about in an earlier post. Sweating flushes out the pores, and I feel like my skin is much more resilient and elastic and radiant when I'm in shape an actively working out.

On the other hand, I do get more breakouts as well, and for me they are in one of two places: wherever my clothes are rubbing (bra straps on the shoulders can be a big one for me in summer) but more commonly wherever my hands go, either to move hair out of my face, or wipe away sweat, etc. It's not foolproof, but I've been trying to train myself NOT to touch my bare skin while working out. It doesn't eliminate the problem, but for me it seriously cuts back on how many breakouts I get, especially on my face.

And, exactly as you say, there are elements that are completely out of your control like hormones.

All in all, personally, I'd much rather have a few red spots now and again along with an awesome body and the perks that come with that, than have perfect skin all the time and be tired and out of shape and stressing out about what I'm eating, how my clothes fit, etc.

Phuong said...

Hi Day,
That's interesting about your clothing and hands causing the breakouts when you workout. A few of my breakout zones might be due to clothes chafing then, they're the obnoxiously deep angry kind of pimples.

I hope the weather has been nicer for your runs. It's been cold and rainy here, although the sun is out today.