Saturday, May 26, 2018

Exercising on the Keto Diet

I've been on the keto diet for three weeks now and just recently started exercising again, just the beginners section in Jane Fonda's New Workout which is fairly hyper dance aerobics. Working out is easier when you're in ketosis. It felt pretty good and I didn't have to stop in the middle of it.

It had been three months since I had exercised last, do to being ill. But with a kid in school and daycare I'm probably going to keep getting sick for years, and I can't keep using the excuse of being ill to stop me from exercising. Yes, I'm actually ill right now with a sinus thing. You just have to keep doing what you're doing no matter what.

We've been checking our ketone levels using urine strips so my husband and I know we're in ketosis. Normal ketone levels are negative, so any amount in your urine usually means you're in ketosis. I've also had lab work done which shows I'm in moderate ketosis, but my levels usually fluctuate between low and moderate.

Now, when I jumped up to the advanced workout on Jane Fonda's New Workout, that was a bear. They do a lot of double hops so you're jumping all the time and I was breathing hard throughout the aerobic section. But maybe some of that is due to the respiratory sinus thing I've been fighting off. The next day I was tired but felt pretty good illness wise, like maybe it had cleared me out some.

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