Sunday, August 18, 2019

Weird Deals You Make with Your Spouse

I've been meal prepping the last couple weeks. It's torture, makes for an exhausting day, and I have no idea how people do it on a consistent basis. They must have a will of iron, and a high stamina for vegetable chopping. The main reason for doing this was to eat healthier during the workweek and to give me extra time, so I can get back into writing.

My disappearance from the blogging world, and writing in general, can be directly attributed to trying to eat healthier and working out. It's a one or the other kind of thing for me because there's no way, I can give up taking care of my kid or going to work.

I was going over the week's menu with my husband, and expressing the idea of eating healthier and eating out less.

"Why don't we make a deal and stop going out to eat altogether?"
I was struck into silence for long moments, but finally returned to my body. "Okay."
"How long?"
"Till November."
Then we shook on it.

So no restaurant or cafeteria food for two and a half months for the two adults. The kiddo will still get to eat school lunches.

If you're curious about last week's menu, it was southwest chicken or herb chicken on a bed of brown rice with 6 mix and match vegetables. The vegetables were air fryer roasted sweet potatoes, air fryer roasted beets, air fryer roasted broccoli, sautéed corn, sautéed sweet peppers, and sautéed zucchini. Each meat got 3 vegetables along with added beans or chickpeas for extra protein.

This week's meal prep was vegetarian. I made a sweet spicy chili tofu on a bed of kamut, ginger sesame tofu with kamut, tomato mushroom cheese omelet with kamut, burritos with tofu crumbles, and vegetarian refried bean burritos with homemade salsa.

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